Top 5 Web Design Blogs to Follow

Web Designers need to stay on top of industry news, trends, and new technology. Standards are constantly changing and knowing how to stay relevant with your design is a necessary step in being a successful web designer. Blogs are an excellent resource to help out but there are thousands of them. How do you know which ones are actually worth following? We’ve done the work for you and gathered 5 awesome web design blogs.

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3 Crucial Elements of Effective Web Design

Most corporations, working professionals, and the like already know that an online presence is important, especially through their own website. However, what they fail to recognise is what should go on their site and what their users need. That’s why learning more about web design is of utmost importance. But what exactly should you prioritise with your site to be truly successful?

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Top 3 Post-Launch Mistakes Website Owners Make

A website’s performance depends on how much planning its designers and developers put into things. Website design involves more than the look of your pages. You need to consider audience insights, SMART goals, and statistics. These things help in mapping out the website and optimizing it for mobile devices. When you’re designing pages, make sure you avoid these three common mistakes marketing teams make.

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